torsdag 29 november 2018

Är du attraktiv på arbetsmarknaden? Kom på vår Nobelfest så lär du dig bli det (ännu mer).


Bildresultat för nobel  

Nobelstiftelsen Competens
bjuder härmed in Dig till högtidsdag den 10 december.
Festen hålls i Competens lokaler på Järnvägsgatan 10, Linköping.

Besök och föreläsning från Randstad kl. 15 om hur du gör dig mest anställningsattraktiv. Du får också möjlighet att skapa kontakt med ett rekryteringsföretag inom ett stort antal yrken.
Nobelfestligheterna börjar sedan kl. 16
Utöver prisutdelning bjuder vi på lättare förtäring.

Klädsel: valfritt
OSA gärna senast 6 december till

Vi ser fram emot få fira dagen och våra elever med dig!
Varmt välkommen!

onsdag 28 november 2018

Vi deltar i Musikhjälpen. Vill du vara med?

Musikhjälpen är ett återkommande evenemang som årligen sker på olika ställen runt om i Sverige. Tre programledare flyttar in i en glasbur på ett torg i en svensk stad. I 144 timmar samlar de in pengar till Radiohjälpen och informerar kring ett rättviseprojekt, som i år är ”Alla har rätt att funka olika”. Ett tema vi på Irisgruppen (Competens, Iris och MedLearn) såklart är med och stöttar! Årets Musikhjälpen sker mellan den 10/12-16/12.

Med anledning av att årets tema är ett område som vi besitter en expertis inom har vi startat vår egen bössa. Till denna önskar vi att så många som möjligt går samman och samlar in pengar till årets upplaga av Musikhjälpen. Du hittar bössan här.länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster
Tillsammans kan vi bidra till skillnad. Ingen insats är för liten och ingen är för stor. Kanske att du hoppar över köpelunchen fram tills det att Musikhjälpen drar igång för att istället skänka pengarna till Iris bössa?
Årets tema
Temat ”Alla har rätt att funka olika” beskrivs i att människor med funktionsnedsättning är en av världens mest diskriminerade grupper. Många fastnar i fattigdom, stängs ute och osynliggörs på grund av hinder och stigman. Med funktionsnedsättning är risken stor att drabbas hårdare av nöd och katastrof - och få hjälp sist. Tillsammans kan vi göra skillnad, var med du också.

tisdag 13 november 2018

Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein's Monster, wrote the story for a small competition between her husband, his friend and Mary's sister. Her husband was no one less than Percy Shelley, by many considered one of the most influential poets in the English language. The friend was Lord Byron, together with Shelley a poet who started the Romantic era in England. I Think Mary won the competition, despite the other contestors.. :) Below is a link to her infamous book, enjoy your reading:

For those of you who'd rather read Toni Morrison to analyse in class next week, you find a link to her book The Bluest Eye further down in the blog. Don't forget to also read about and watch biographies on the author you choose.

fredag 9 november 2018

The Dark Forest

Last week, at Halloween, we read and wrote horror stories. Here is an exquisite one, The Dark Forest, written by Olivia Rone who studies English 6 with us. Well done, Olivia! 


It was midnight. For the last couple of hours, the moon had shone brightly. It was Friday the 13th of November. Anna and Sally two best friends, were travelling together to Anna´s parents´ summer house. The trip had been long, after a couple of hours they were both tired and hungry. As the hours passed by, and it became darker, the two girls became more and more scared. They use to make this trip annually but not just the two of them and not on this exact date.

The cottage was located in the forest. In the beginning it was a little village, the people who lived in the village never visited the forest during the nights. A story was told that every Friday night the 13th  of November, the forest was transformed and  impossible to get out of. . The trees changes their positions and the roads and paths disappear. Over the years many people had gone missing during the nights in the forest. When the morning came, the only sign after the travelers, were their empty and abandoned cars.

When the clock was near twelve, Anna and Sally started their last journey through the forest without knowing the story and spell off it. Suddenly, in the middle of the night their car broke down.
They lit the lamp inside the car and tried to search after their phones. Sally found hers just to realize the battery was almost empty. Anna´s phone was gone and they couldn’t find it. Sally took her phone and tried to call 911. She was just about holding the phone to her ear, when the battery beept a few times and the phone went dead.

The moonlight couldn´t reach through the thick forest, it was dark and so quiet. Sally took Anna’s hand and held it tight. They decided to make a new try to start the car and Anna, who was sitting in the driver’s seat tried again. The car made some strange noises and then it became quiet again.

The two girls sat quiet for a while and suddenly they heard something, a weak sound was coming from the dark forest. A lullaby was heard. They decide to leave the car and go outside to see what could be wrong with it. On the count of three they stepped outside. An ice cold wind hit them when they got out, and both Anna and Sally pulled their jackets closer to their bodies. It was so dark, they could not see each other, even if they were standing just a few meters apart.

They tied to open the engine hood and succeeded. Sally asked Anna if she had something to shine with. At the same time, Sally was searching through her own pockets after a flash light. Anna did the same thing and after a few seconds she found one.

And then they heard the lullaby again, but this time it was much closer. And right in that moment, Anna lost the flash light and it was pitch black again. Suddenly the singing stopped. Anna and Sally were standing still, holding hands. Then they heard a little voice say, come with me. I know the way out of here. Just follow my voice and I will guide you out of the forest. Anna and Sally started to walk, they followed the voice deeper in to the forest and they never came back again.

The next morning the two girls´ car were found by a passing bus driver. The car was parked in the middle of the street with both doors open. There was no trace of the girls. The police were contacted and they search after the missing girls everywhere but with no results.

The villagers started talking about what had happened and every year from that day, Friday the 13th  of November the history of the two girls who disappeared were told. Until today no one travels through that forest during nights and no one knows what happened to the two girls.

tisdag 6 november 2018

Nöjd Deltagar Index

Den här veckan och nästa genomför vi vår elevenkät om vad ni tycker om era studier hos oss. För oss är ert deltagande verkligen viktigt! Vi vill höra ert ris och ros så att vi kan utvecklas och bli bättre. Tack för att ni hjälper oss med det! :)

Följ länken här:

OBS! Ni som halkat in här men inte är elev på vår skola, var snäll och avstå deltagandet. Tack!